Consultation and Strategy

We run a successful consultancy. Recent clients include Hosking Houses Trust and NW LIVE Arts. We have been commissioned by clients to evolve and streamline their creative business and find new ways to operate, raise funds and network within their ecology.

Saskia is a leading advocate and strategist engaging clients in creative conversation to improve their cultural impact and positioning. We offer full packages to co-manage, support with impact assessment, develop artistic policies and frameworks and enrich your iterative approach.


2023 sees Sasolo launch their new advocacy package; Artists MOT’s , the Hidden Artist programme (support for Majority World, LGBTQ+, Neurodiverse & minority/underrepresented artists ).

This new package will involve: advice, seminars, bespoke funding advice, tutorials, a new YouTube channel and MORE!

We offer a YouTube subscription for artist to navigate the arts funding ecology – hugely important when trying to find your way in the creative universe!

CONTACT US NOW for fees and package information.