SASOLO Arts & Development was founded by Saskia Coburn in 2011, it is now one of the UK’s leading arts, creativity and culture development organisations; raising over £15 million for 400 clients in the last 2 years.

Sasolo is a registered member of the Chartered Institute of Fundraising: CIOF3505595

Supporting clients to develop their funding portfolio, strategic position, artistic policy, EDIB manifesto & more; Sasolo is connecting / networking a nation of grassroots artists, NPO’s, support sector organisations and more through their flagship, ‘Hidden Artist Network’ scheme also delivering face to face workshops, digital content, skills, training, networking and much more – visit

Saskia set up SASOLO after a successful career as an arts strategy manager for a national charity and since then, she and the team have worked with 1000’s of emergent and established artists.

Sasolo are ACE, Innovate UK, and UK SPF funded to deliver the Hidden Artists Network Platform – a space where artists meet those that shape the ecologies they work in, where process is de-mystified and where policies, strategies, connections, funding streams, evaluation and PR/networking is transformed into digestible, relatable content.

SASOLO’s focus is on supporting individuals and small to medium organisations; we offer:

affordable bid writing packages

access support for ACE clients (with three registered writers in house)

strategic development

evaluation frameworks

impact reporting

theory of change

artistic policy development

funding and grant writing support

we work with those who struggle to compete for funding, develop policies or meet the gatekeepers; either because they lack time to research funding streams, or understanding of what is available in terms of resources, policy development or impact reporting.

Saskia’s wealth of experience in arts funding has been instrumental in turning our creative ideas into fully realised, fundable projects. We couldn’t have done it without her.

The Puppet Theatre Barge – puppetry, live performance, creative workshops


We have now supported over 3000 clients. We have a suite of packages:

We guarantee to improve your position. We work with you to develop your project, we can support during your project and we can write applications for you.

Working with Sasolo has enabled us to pursue ambitious projects we could only have dreamed of three years ago.

MIDI – Music in Devon Initiative

We have written applications for every genre of art: from novelists and literary agencies, to those working in opera and theatre, artists working in West African music and Indian classical dance, drummers, jazz musicians, visual artists, dramaturgs, graffiti artists, and rappers.

We support NPO’s to build out their impact and research other funding streams, we support artists looking to create new work and meet new partners.

We have supported grassroots venues and creatives who are directing and changing how we consume culture. We have advised digital artists; those pushing the boundaries, those working in intimate environments and those wishing to expand to international practice. We understand the nuances of every community, from those advocating for LGBTQ+ people in the arts, to BIPOC creatives and those needing representation due to social, economic or neurodiverse challenges.

We are registered Arts Council bid writers able to support anyone with access needs through direct payment from the Arts Council. We understand inclusion and access, PR and marketing and representation.

During the pandemic we supported many companies and individuals to access both emergency money and Cultural Recovery Funding.

We’re excited to offer you an exclusive opportunity to have a FREE 15-minute development chat with our Director Saskia Coburn, to help move your NLPG Arts Council application forward.

This is a chance to refine your idea, gain strategic insights, and explore how we can support you in achieving your goals. Following this session, we can match you with a specialist writer to develop a strong, competitive application.

To register, please fill this form & for any questions, please contact us on [email protected]

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